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Old 10-06-2007, 08:22 PM   #6
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Re: have new exhaust- now I have questions

Originally Posted by ABLAZN View Post

I would also run the pipes all the way over the rear axle. With them in front of the rear tire you are almost sitting right on top of the exit of the exhaust. I have 40 series flows on a duel 2.5 inch system that exits out the back and it is way to loud. Right now I have nick named my Blazer the "Thunder Wagon" based on the noise that it makes. If you want to run flows, consider the big block series, they are much quieter, but still have that deep mellow sound. I plan on running a single 3 inch using a Hooker Areoflow for a muffler. I just want something that sounds different then all the flows that are running around my area.
Thanks for the advice, but I'm almost competely maybe I don't know sold on the side exit, gotta be a way to muffle it. When I saw project copperhead I wanted my exhaust to exit like his..... Maybe the BB flows will work??? J.
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