It's not the age of the truck- I bought my F250 [I know, I know, down, guys] new and started replacing bulbs the first week. Marker lights, tail lights, headlights....
Three years???????????????????? THAT is sweet!
So how does that work, Mike? If I buy the LEDs from you and have one or more burn out I have to send them back and then wait for you to send a replacement? I appreciate the thought but a new regular bulb is cheaper than shipping
Also, aren't the LEDs soldered in so you would have to solder in a new bulb if one went out?
I have been reading for a couple years now about how the LEDs outlast regular bulbs, but mine don't wear out they just get vibrated so bad they just quit Broken filaments].
I guess I don't understand enough about how the LEDs work??????????
Thanks to all,