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Old 10-10-2007, 11:32 AM   #4
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Re: ut oh...notch question!

Make sure you support BOTH sides of the frame (fwd and aft of the notch) during the whole process. Make initial measurements to the ground (make sure they're even from side to side) and write them down. That way, if anything ever happens during the install, you have them as a guide.

I always try to keep the original frame uncut until the last possible moment. If you're installing a c-notch, weld it in first then backcut the remaining metal. Use the same principle if you're doing a step-notch as well. I've seen more than a few trucks where the frame sagged down in the rear during the notch job, and it leaves a tapered gap where the bed meets the back of the cab. You can shim it up to match, but then the rear bumpers look out of place.
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