Originally Posted by Joesjunk
I have seen panels like this before, I believe they were only on Blazers, Jimmys, and 'Burbs.
Any one else notice the "Camper Mirrior Stainless" option on the glove box sticker?? Well, I dont see any camper mirriors, nor do I see any holes from where they were mounted? Can't be original paint on the doors anyway. It sure looks nice though!!! I think it was on ebay about a year or two ago, but from a different seller.
I asked the seller and here is his reply........
Yes, The mirrors were changed. Mr Meyers orderd the Jimmy when he retired to tow a trailer and travel to Florida. So he wanted the camper mirrors. He bumped the mirrors going in / out of the garage, so when I got it the mirriors were damaged. I had a paint shop touch up the doors, and I installed a set of NOS GM sport mirrors.