Thread: Lucas Oil stuff
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Old 10-11-2007, 10:04 PM   #12
Rust Buster
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Re: Lucas Oil stuff

Sal-give it a break in period.....I have always suggested 5000-6000 miles for a proper break-in to all my customers before adding any additives to oil. See if others agree. Even when I run synthetic, I break in with regular oil, 1000 miles first change, 3000 second change, then I go to synthetic at 5000 miles. I had 260,000 miles on a 91 suburban bought new before a hail storm totaled the truck, and 130,000 currently on my 99 s10 bought with 12,000 miles and immediately switched to synthetic the day after I bought it. Not an engine problem(oil related) with either. My 65 c30 when done will be syn as well. Jerry

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