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Old 10-14-2007, 08:52 PM   #269
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Re: What parts aren't out there?

Originally Posted by Tri-ProAutomotive View Post
The shortbed floor assembly I've had requests for; I think this would be an excellent item.

The longbed peices I'm aware of (we've got a '70 lwb out in the yard here that could ALSO use a set of bedsides). The biggest issue on these items becomes getting them from point "A" to point "B" intact. There are certainly enough of the trucks out there to justify making the parts.

What is the issue with the current '72 door?
you would think that it would be possible to incase them in some sort of molded shipping foam or something. i work in a datacenter, and when we have to ship a server and dont have a proper shipping container for it, we just put the server in a crate, and heat up these expanding foam thingys. put a bunch of them in there, and they fill up all the airspace, while also molding into a very strong protective shell.

even if such a service cost an extra $50-75 (hell im just reaching there) to ship, id glady pay the premium to have nice panels shipped in a safe manner. hell even if you just made em available and they still couldnt be freighted safely... id bet people would show up to pick them up themselves.
2001 ECSB Silverado Z71
1971 LB C10 Custom

Last edited by RedZ71; 10-14-2007 at 08:53 PM.
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