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Old 10-15-2007, 05:30 PM   #18
Low & Fast!
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Re: let's see your bagged projects

This is what I used from *****************,

8 SMC 3/8” Valves

4, 224c Firestone Air Bags 3/8” single port

67-87 Bag Brackets for front

Rear Upper Bag Bracket

3/8 Air line

Chrome 5 Gallon 4 Port

AVS ARC-9 Billet 9 Rocker Switch

(And don't you use a notch,) I was thinking about a c-notch, but I did not want to cut the frame.

(Do you hit the frame when it's aired out?) I run about 25-35 PSI and that gives me about 3"-4" from the frame. So no I have never hit the frame running it that way.


Originally Posted by los-lowrider View Post
If you have 3 part trucks maybe you have an lower a-arm driver side for me. I hit mine badly and have to exchange him for safety purposes.

Please post some details of your set up. And don't you use a notch, it looks very low for me. Do you hit the frame when it's aired out?
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