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Old 10-17-2007, 06:59 AM   #4
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Weaverville, NC
Posts: 718
Re: Are there trucks in your town you have your eye on....

I have the same dilema....About 15 years ago I spotted an awesome Sierra Grande/camper special in black locally. Well come to find out it belonged to a guy I played football with in highschools grandmother. It is black and still has plastic on the middle seatbelt. It has less than 60,000 original miles and is in perfect condition. She hasn't drove it in 15 years, but still goes out and starts it twice a week and moves up and down the driveway. I have asked once a month for the last 15 years to buy it and still no luck....I'll try and post pics if she will let me take some.
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