Thread: lwb to swb
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Old 10-18-2007, 06:34 PM   #5
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Re: lwb to swb

Look for a post from OJOE about making a crew cab short bed.
For doing the conversion he took the rear section of a short bed frame and "grafted" it onto the long bed frame using the bolt holes from the cab mounts as locators.

It might be easier to do with a 1-ton frame because of the frame differences but I would think you could do it with a 1/2-ton frame too.
Not much cutting and if you line up the cab mount holes your gauranteed to get it back together square.

Of course this requires having a short bed frame available to you? I have a 4x4 short bed that has a bent frame in the front. I have been resisting getting rid of it thinking I may be able to do a 4x4 crew cab short bed conversion but the signifigant other is tightening the screws...
2009 Honda Fit CfC (bsf 44.9 mpg)
2000 Tahoe Limited
1991 GMC CrewCab Dually 2wd, will end up swb, not dually and replace CCswb below
1991 GMC CrewCab Dually 4x4, just going to fix things up for now
1982/1989 K5/GMC Jimmy 2wd
1987 GMC 1/2 ton swb 2wd Crew (sold)
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