Originally Posted by poncho_villa
I am curious about a couple of things there Tig....what are you gonna use for seats to mount to your raised floor? And why did you move the master cylinder plate over 3"? Steering column clearance issues?? Oh by the way....nice fab work. 
well, as far as the seats go....im thinking of a set i took out of a rollover 05 jeep, i'll probably use some of the 77 seat mount hardware... i'll have to fab the seat mounts and make some plates for the floor, you know the same thing you would do for a race car, and as far as the master cylinder plate being moved over 3", it's to center the stering wheel to the dash gauge cluster point....this is the first time i'v tried doing all of this to a 55, but im hoping it all work's out for the best, and if not, i'll know what to do the next time.....nothing ventured...nothing gained, oh...and thanks on the fab'n
