Thread: kick down
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Old 10-28-2007, 03:11 PM   #4
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Re: kick down

Try this

1 - loosen the kickdown cable adjuster
2 - hold throttle wide open
3 - tighten the kickdown cable adjuster until it just begins to pull the throttle back

This adjustment is only to set the proper kickdown operation. Meaning if you are cruising at say 55mph and floor it to pass another car, it should kick down to 2nd gear.

If your problem is that when accelerating the trans shifts from 1st to 2nd too soon, then adjusting the kickdown is not going to affect it. To change the shift points you will need to re-calibrate the governor. There are kits you can buy from B&M or TCI that have different weights and springs you can play with to adjust the shift points.
- Greg
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