hub caps - Calgary, AB
Driver quality.
4 Chev caps off 15" rims.(just found the last one in the garage so it is not in the picture) For sale as a set of 4. - $20 plus shipping
1 larger Chev off not sure. -$5 plus shipping
1 GMC off 15" rim. $5 plus shipping.
Pretty light so shipping should be reasonable.
1947 Studebaker M5 project to match the camping trailer.
1950 Chev 4x4 Pickup
1958 Shasta Airflyte Travel trailer (fresh restoration)
1971 C/10 Pickup(Frame off Restoration)
1972 K5 Blazer CST (Daily Driver & My Company Truck)
1976 Honda CB750 Bobber
1988 Jaguar XJ12
Last edited by VinceY; 10-30-2007 at 08:54 PM.
Reason: found extra cap