Originally Posted by Project SIKty-5
Hey Clint, any chance of a kit for 60-72 six link coming out in the future? Awesome product line man, hear nothing but good things about KP kits

That's What I'm saying! KP could start printing money once this thing hits the streets!

I have it on good authority that the KP guys have too much cash already and spend most of their days by the pool chasing babes instead of doing R+D. At least that's what the gal that answers the phone says everytime I call for Clint. I guess the only reason they EVEN went to SEMA is cause they heard Tangerine had a new girl dancin for singles!
Anyway I call dib's on the first production piece and you KNOW dibs is legally binding in at least four US states.
all the ladies LOVE my DropMember