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Old 10-31-2007, 07:55 PM   #1
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Unhappy I guess I need a steering rack

I have a 69 suburban. I used to be a dealer for Turner Enterprises. (What happened to Bill is a mystery to me) anyway, I have his droped crossmember, upper and lower control arms. My project sat untouched for about three years. I'm finally back into it, and have gotten to the point of installing steering and then brakes.
Turner told me I could still run my stock steering. I trial fitted the steering and it doesn't even come close. The tie rod hits the lower control arm bolts and bushings. He sent me a "tie rod flip kit" consisting of the parts in my hand in the pic. They don't really help.
What steering rack would I use to make this work? how hard is it to weld one to the crossmember? I know I would have to notch the frame to clear the tie rod ends.
Thanks in advance for any help or insight!
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