Originally Posted by pmpski_1
tcb-1 - Looks sweet. It looks like a different truck. What did you do to shine it up? Wax, buff, or just wash it?
thanks pmpski_1,
it took a while and some elbow grease, but here what I used:
turtle wax rubbing compound (liquid)
turtle wax platinum liquid wax
mother's carnuba wax
mother's detailer spray detailer
random-orbital buffer
terry cloth rags
I had to hand buff with the rubbing compound once, then followed up twice with rubbing compound on the r-o buffer. then hand applied one coat of turtle wax platinum followed by 2 coats with the r-o buffer. lastly, finished up with mother's carnuba and mother's detailer spray detailer.
the turtle wax liquid (not paste!) is the best stuff I have ever used to cut through heavy oxidation. I tried several other methods of removing the oxidation but to
absolutley no avail.
hope this helps!!!