I parked my 59 back in August....
My concern in Victoria would be moisture. I purchased Silica Gel Dehumidifiers from Lee Valley tools (
http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.a...28&cat=1,43326) that suck up moisture from the air and can be dried again by heating up the contents. I would consider leaving a bag in the cab and another under the hood.
Make sure the cover is tight and out of the wind. A loose cover flapping in the wind all winter will mark and damage paint.
Fill the tank and use gas stabilizer.
Either use mouse poison or a couple of traps in/around the truck and try not to park it on grass, or make sure the grass is short.
Good luck.
By the way I am looking to be in Victoria in December ( 9 - 14) how bad is the rain?