Thread: Running Rich
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Old 11-04-2007, 06:50 PM   #15
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Re: Running Rich

25* at idle?

If so, what is your idle speed and how far do you have to set the idle speed screw to keep it running? If you have a smaller cam, this will run very irratic at that timing setting. Big cam in the engine, this may be needed but even my .630 lift cam in the Chevelle only wants 15 or so to be clean at 1100.

There are a few things that will make a Holley run rich:

Excessive fuel pressure
Blown power valve
Too much initial idle adjustment cranked to keep it running (exposing the transition slot pulling in fuel from the main circuit) Check to see if turning the idle screws in until it dies. If it does not recheck everything I listed.
Idle screws cranked out to far.
Too high of a float setting, look down the carb at idle and see if there is any fuel dripping out of your boosters, if there is a power valve or float setting is amiss.

Now, on a side note, Holleys are inherent to run rich right out of the box. there is not much you can do about that except fooling witht eh bleed sizes and I would highly discourage that.
71 short/fleet ECE 4/6 drop, LQ4/700r4/3.42 gears
70 SS396 Chevelle 427/200-4R/3.73posi
61 Lincoln Continental, black on black

Son you are going to drive me to drinkin if you don't stop drivin that hot rod lincoln
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