I haven't posted in a long time, school has just started calming down a bit so ive started working on my truck again. Ive made a bit of progress The rollpan really didnt fit to well so I went ahead and just began welding the whole bed together into 2 pieces "Bed" and "Tailgate". The tailgate will still be functional I have a tailgate latch mechanism from another truck I think I can alter to work for me. I also decided to make the bed floor out of steel, ive finished the framework for it I just need to finish welding the actual floor to the framework. I will probably run some bead rolls through it. I like the wood but dont like the idea of not being able to put anything I want into the bed so I figure I can make a frame for a wood top which I can always just lay down on top of the steel bed floor and then for times of not wanting "Wood" I can store it in a nice dry place where it wont deteriorate hehe.
Ive also been contemplating buying a "Gear Vendors" overdrive, if anyone has any relevant opinions/suggestions on either the gear vendors overdrive or even if you know of different similar products please let me know.