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Old 11-05-2007, 09:05 AM   #1
Old Chevy Mech
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Question 3/4 ton front driveshaft

I was wondering if the drive shaft on a 1970 C/20 4x4 is suppose to be the small as the one on the Blazer. My 3/4 ton front driveshaft has only 2 U-joints unlike my Blazer which has 3, 2 in that CV style joint. Any knowledge would be appreciated. Reason I am asking is, I just bought the truck and have discovered a few re-engineered items that make me question things that look suspicious, and the welds on the front drive shaft don’t look like what I am use to seeing on 1970 trucks.

1970 K-5 4X4 Blazer
1970 K-20 4X4 Long Bed

"Liberty Means Responsibility, that is why most men dread it"
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