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Old 11-06-2007, 10:03 AM   #15
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Columbus OH
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Re: What do you look at in a truck, rod etc?

I guess I really am just looking for something that just seems to "work". Meaning that I can be just as into a bagged truck on 20s or 22s or both as I can a complete stocker. A perfect restoration or a nicely aged/worn truck, either can be great. I guess it is just a "look".

It's just personal preference, but some vehicles just don't seem to work with all of these styles. Some just sucked when they were original, so restoration or aged/worn doesn't help. Bagged/20s isn't right for everything either, especially if that is all that is done.

I'm a believer in the adage "Just because you can...doesn't mean you should."

I do have preferences as far as years, makes, models....but that only makes me more picky about what is done to them. Modifications that are cool and/or inovative on some cars/trucks would be sacrilage on others, but I'm not some purist that thinks that fairly rare models should not be "messed with".

How's that for a long-winded non-answer?........LOL
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