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Old 11-07-2007, 12:33 PM   #16
Skinned knuckles
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Location: Longview, Washington
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Re: Aluminum polish...

A lot of good ideas here! Here's my $.02. I've had an aluminum diamond plate truck tool box for about 9 years now and most of that was sitting outside neglected. After getting my Ranger last May, I was going to use it, but noticed how dull it was. I went to look at new boxes at Lowe's and found a bottle of aluminum polish to restore the new look. Thought I'd try it on the old box and found that if I use it with a buffing wheel on my polisher, then it brightens it right up. A little more work with a rag to clean up the black residue and it looked great! I haven't tried it on anything else yet, but I'll have to see how it works on my brothers wheels now that I think of it. The bottle says it's flammable which I thought was weird.. I can't remember the name of it right now, but its in a clear bottle with a silver label.
'72 C-10 longbox soon to be short step!
'72 Chevelle (sold in January)
'07 Sebring
'01 Ranger (I've gotta long commute..)
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