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Old 01-05-2003, 10:19 PM   #1
Old Skool Club
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Benton, AR "The Heart of Arkansas"
Posts: 10,880
Was I WRONG????? (Your opinion, please)

On New Years Day, early afternoon, I decided to do a shakedown cruise on my truck. I drive an old truck, you know, like a lot of you do. It's true. I am on a fixed income and can't afford the payments on a new one, so I just keep driving the old one.

Anyway, my truck has had a problem in which it just dies when I let off on the gas. I had replaced the wiring harness, the module in the distributor, etc. So, I had made it about 5 miles from home, on one of our main drags and had to stop at a light. It died. I tried to restart it, and it almost did, but then it just kept cranking without any sign of hitting on anything.

Then, the light changed. A woman behind me in an Xterra started honking her horn and pointing at the light. It was green. I shrugged my shoulders. She kept honking. The light changed again. A policeman asked if I was having trouble, then went to get behind the string to help the others in traffic know that I had trouble.

The lady in the Nissan began honking again when the light turned green. I got out of my truck, walked to her window and she opened her door. She was about 30, and I believe her mother was in the passenger seat. Anyway, I told her that if she would go start my truck, I would be happy to sit and honk her horn.

She got mad. Said something about not caring and suggested that I buy a new truck. She really seemed to be upset with something I said, or whatever.

So, was I wrong? I mean, I had it towed to the house and ordered a new distributor. Turns out the old distributor has a wire that has shorted out, coming from the pick up coil.

What would you have done? I am betting her husband laughed at her when she told him about me. I am betting that (if she did) if he laughed at her, she is still mad at me and him. So, was I wrong? I probably should have just asked her for a ride.
Member Nr. 2770

'96 GMC Sportside; 4.3/SLT - Daily driven....constantly needs washed.

'69 C-10 SWB; 350/TH400 - in limbo

The older I get, the better I was.
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