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Old 11-09-2007, 12:53 AM   #3
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Unhappy Re: 72 Longbed Drive Shaft

First you need to remove the bolt thats holding the yoke on and once the bolts off just have a parts store press the yoke and bearing off and press the new bearing on and the yoke. Just make shure you mark the yoke so it goes back on the same way. has a heavy duty centerbearing made from one solid hunk of aluminum. They also recommend putting a slip yoke on the end that conect to the rearend. When your suspention goes up and down the drive shaft moves forward and back which puts pressure on the center bearing with the slip yoke there is no pressure on that bearing. I know because my truck has been siting in my driveway with the same problem and no money to fix so im driven brother inlaws truck
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