The worst part of the whole affair is people feeling justified that we are all driving old, out-dated junkers that should have been scrapped years ago. I like to make them think otherwise. By all appearances my truck might look like its seen its last day 10 yrs ago. Its about 8 different colors, but looks can be deceiving. Look closely and you can see no holes or serious rust in the body. Listen closely and you can hear a well-tuned engine. More than once I've come across people with their hood up on their newer vehicles, tinkering away trying to get it started. I just jump in my truck, turn the key and vroooom!
I don't mind so much, if i get the truck painted it will only get stolen, keyed or attract the attention of debt collectors.
1970 GMC 1500 Custom
Original 350/TH350
Victoria, BC, Canada
You can wish in one hand and crap in the other.
See which one gets filled first.
Last edited by Southpa; 01-06-2003 at 01:00 AM.