I'll start resizing more here in a bit... gotta do my regular on line rounds first.
I'll aswer some questions and respond to comments here now though;
Originally Posted by CG
I was wondering if you were ever gonna post up some road trip pics. I bet the ol burb felt young again kickin up its heels at close to 100 mph.
The burb did pretty good, even at speeds like this. It swayed quite a bit.. the front end is worn out and the shocks are doing nothing but taking up space... but once i got used to the way it swayed and rocked... it wasn't bad. I've bumped the century mark once since I got home, but didn't even have my cell/digi-cam... so there's no pics.

As far as if/when I'd get them up... between my digi-cam being a total POS, and not being able to upload the photos on here on each post like we've done for years (I think it's the camera's fault... I can still resize them properly, just not if they are off THAT camera). The other thing, my life has been total chaos since I got back. Doin this and that and trying to sell/scrap 2 cars (neither of which were mine) and all kindsa other crap that I don't really wanna share on a public forum... I'm just now... a month later... gettin the chance to chill for more than 20 min.
Originally Posted by Brad
Sweet pics! I'll stay here refreshing my monitor until you post more.  
The medic in me is cringing knowing how that burb was packed while you were doing 95. 
Brad... I was worried that i wouldn't get to post it all till you left. I'm so glad I made the cut off.
As for the medic in you and speeding... you would cringe at the crazy stuff I've done automotivly... This is only semi-crazy.
Originally Posted by IAFF2407
...Andy you've got big bull boys going that fast. that sucker was loaded with a rocking back end. Bet everyone was pulling over to get out of the way...
There's a fine line between ballsy and stupid... the jury is still out on which I am!

Once it was loaded down, the rear end didn't knock anymore (bad bushings on the panhard bar) and was
almost predictable on what it was gonna do.
As for ppl gettin out of my way... I know, and fully admit, that this kind of driving on a public road is moronic, and unsafe. I *usually* make sure there is NO ONE around... this time was no exception.