NC rookie
I'm new to the board and new to restoration in general. I've been viewing the board for a while for inspiration and have learned a lot already. This seems like a great community and I'm happy to join and plan to become a supporter soon. For those interested, heres my story to date:
My Grandfather had a blue 72 C10 as a farm truck in VA when I was a kid. I have very little mechanical experience, but when I needed a truck for stuff at the house, I couldn't resist the excuse to buy an old Chevy. I spent the last 8 years building my house and guess I was looking for the next learning project.
I found this truck online, paid $1500 and drove it back form Nashville to Charlotte about 18 months ago. Appears to be very original. The PO said the original 350 was replaced with a "HighOutput350 from a 74 MonteCarlo or Camero". Runs pretty well, but does need help. Lots of rust in the typical places. Wiring is a mess. I guess you can see the options on the sticker. Anyone think I'm in over my head?