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Old 11-11-2007, 12:26 AM   #14
Maintenance Man
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Phoenix, AZ US
Posts: 213
Re: Help needed from Phoenix area members.

Originally Posted by brianthelion02 View Post
Well dang ,if you need that much sheet metal,since you right in the oppitimy of the southwest,id be lookin for a good clean cab!!!!!!!!!!Probably be easier than doin all that metal work!!!!!
Oh, I know. But I want to have to do SOME welding at some point in my life, might as well learn to do it on this one!! LOL

Besides it really isn't that bad to tell the truth. Not worth the effort of changing the entire cab, IMHO. The cab corners aren't rusty, they're just a little beat up. Not sure I even need the doors I'm buying, although I do seem to remember the ones on the truck currently being a little bit rusty (and I mean VERY little) with bad window regulators.

What's funny is that by the time I get done with this, if it all continues to go this way, is that I'll end up having paid $450 for a good frame, a metal bedfloor, a good left rear fender well, an A/C cab with all the trimmings (the rusty rockers were free), and a recently rebuilt ear end.
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