well, after a fun morning of skidding out some fire wood, i took the garage!
and with the help of my cohort, aka, Dad, we have successfully fixed the exhaust hang downy issue.
(just for good comparison)
they tucked up pretty good, in my opinion. just took a little notching and welding.
and, since we had the glasspacks off anyway. we decided to lay some pipes with them.
since i had about 2 sticks of pipe left, we did some more notching and welding. I went over every seam in the system twice, by the way. lol. no exhaust leaks for this ol' boy...
and just angled out the side in front of the rear tires. i'm kinda glad i didn't get it bent for out the back - she sounds pretty good! even gooder than before.

and pretty quiet as well, even inside the garage, which amounts to a big coffee can.
and don't mind the hazyness of the pics...it's not the camera. it's just smoke from testing the sound of the exhaust...lol. the carb is running rich (gotta tune that), and, well, we had to see what she sounded like at some higher R's...repeatedly...bwahaha...
and thats all i got done for today, unfortunately.
hopefully tomorrow i can get the seat and the floor mats back in. and maybe drop the box back on, and start her looking like a truck again. that leaves this week to get the front end on, and get the tires i picked up this morning mounted and on. and....yup.
MAYBE by the end of the week, i can get some plates thrown on the old girl.
....maybe. lol. prolly not, but i can hope.
and thats where she stands for the night. let's hear it!