Originally Posted by jaros44sr
Thanks for the input, I wasn't sure if it would handle a load. Looks really nice!! At least this time you can take your floor with you  My floor really takes a beating, chucks of rust and metal, plus the usual grease and other liquids. My truck is on rollers so I don't think they would work[ small workshop]
I also just dropped my TC last week, leaky seal. Spent 2 weeks derusting frame, cleaning up crossmember and other stuff. Almost ready to put it back in...mind if I post up a pic. of mine coming out?
BTW, you have one really nice truck, well 2, but I mean the old one. J.
BTWW, welcome to the boards from Philly, Pa.
Go ahead and post your pix - no prob. I'll be putting some updates as I go. For now I'm just trying to get all the mechanical stuff squared away. Need all the u-joints, change fluid in the axles, change brake fluid, new PS box, drop the trans and go through it, new mounts bushings etc. Depending on parts I hope to be running by about the end of the month. We'll wait and see how good a guess that is......