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Old 11-14-2007, 03:12 AM   #1
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What you got done this wk end?

Well, I only had 2 hours of day light and my 67 is 2 hours away so I made the best of it. I decided to make the change to internal regulator alternator instead of the old style, It wasnt hard at all. We had to take an impact and get the old pulley off since it had a spacer. I noticed even my dome light is brighter now, also no rev it up, the lights get brighter stuff either. I had just went to HEI on my 6cy 292 and though it was running the hot wire to it hadnt been wire to the dash yet, got it done and noticed my back up light switch was unplugged, got lights to come on but not through switch, (another thread) then I flushed the radiator, nasty stuff that looked like snot came out. Nothing too exciting but my 67 is getting some updates.
Even the nicest dodge-chrysler is only 2years away from being parked outside of Section 8 housing.
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