Thread: Attn. Veterans:
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Old 11-14-2007, 12:12 PM   #8
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Re: Attn. Veterans:

First thing. Centsless, thanks for the club and thinking of all veterans, its appreciated more than most know. Even if its only a small blurb on a forum it does good things for us.

Crawdad, what happened to you and other Nam guys was despicable. A highly vocal misguided few abused guy returning from a conflict most had no choice in going to. One thing that stands out for this latest conflict is the Phelps protests. Same sort of thing and really it has no place with the veteran who never made it above 06.

Politicians make the decisions that we the military member must enforce, if there are to be protests, let them be with the politicians because they have a choice. Veterans have enough problems without that crap added on top of everything.

I have yet to meet a desert veteran who didnt admire and support the Vietnam veterans. In fact most are held in high esteem among todays military members. Nam vets got a bum rap for a part they were often drafted into, it is not forgotten and not forgiven by the later generations.

I never got a big welcome at the airport when returning from any of my desert trips, but that is fine by me. I can barely go a month without someone stopping me in a store, or parking lot, and asking if I just got back from Iraq or telling me thank you and that they support all of us. If I see a Vietnam veteran wearing the ribbon or something that tells all veterans where they served, I will take the time and tell him thanks from the desert guys. I do the same with any WWII vets I run into, and I usually end up with some good stories and experiences from them.

I have been out since Aug 05, but it wasnt by choice. They told me if I couldnt run or walk very far anymore that I had to go. The VA treats me pretty good, so that is a nice change from 20 years ago as well. Even though I am now stuck in CONUS I wish I could still be doing my part.

My brother is still in, he is Army. He has done two tours in Iraq driving trucks hauling tanks. That is one of the more stressful jobs over there right now. Last year he was accepted into the warrant program and helo flight school. Now he is flying UH60s, which makes sense, its a flying truck. Apparently he enjoys living on the edge.

Between the two of us we have 9 tours in the desert, that will be 10 early next year. Its part of the job, its something we feel honored to take part in even if it isnt highly popular back home.

Thanks crawdad, and thanks to everyone else who has served.

SSGT. T. Stahr
USAF Air Trans (2T271)
88-92 - 00-05
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