Originally Posted by old Rusty C10
thats bad even by nyc driving standards... do you have black smoke indicitive of too much fuel going into the carb? and are you sure there is no leak anywhere? check the oil to make sure there is no gas in the oil check and recheck the lines
and for fun are you sure someone isnt siphoning your tank at night... and one last stupid question are you sure the tank is taking the full 16 gallonsand not topping out with just a couple
one more dumb idea... are you sure its out of gas? the tank isnt getting its sucking mechanism blocked or some kind of vapor lock?
No smoke at all.
I am not positive there is no leak, but i dont smell or see any fuel when I'm under the truck.
No gas in the oil.
No siphoning, i have lock caps and the truck is just plain in accessible to anyone but me.
tank is definitely taking the 16, I know because my wallet is feeling the pain.
I tapped the side thats empty and it is definitely empty or very low, while the other side is full.