Thread: Attn. Veterans:
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Old 11-16-2007, 09:28 PM   #14
Navy Radioman Veteran
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Re: Attn. Veterans:

Originally Posted by chadbork84k10 View Post
87lowrider, what is a RM? They no longer have that rate and havent heard of it. Unless you are meaning a GM? Sorry to see the JFK finally saw it's last days and was able to see it in Norfolk last week. There is only one CV carrier left which is of course the Kitty Hawk (****ty kitty). I just got back from my second deployment on the USS Carter Hall LSD 50 three weeks ago after a 7 monther off the HOA (horn of Africa) and def glad to be back and deploy again this coming September back to the Gulf. Everything is as good as expected from the squid world. Thanks to all past and present service members!

HT3 (SW) Chad Bork
USS Carter Hall LSD50
RM stands for Radioman. I believe they combined the DS and RM rate right after I got out to something else, I can't remember what though.

Good to hear all is well. It hard to say Thank You without sounding patronizing, I'm glad you're out there fighting for us.
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