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Old 11-19-2007, 08:17 AM   #1
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hairs not falling out ive been pulling it out lately!

man i am disgusted..

i bought my boy a 68 GMC. we drove it for a year or so to make sure the bugs were worked out before he turned 16. course it pulls a boat real good. lol....

this Christmas i put a killer stereo in the truck for him. it required a 100 amp alternator. the truck had already been wired for internal regulator. i have wired 10 or so systems and this was probably the cleanest one i have put in.

about a month later my boy bought a new battery cause he said the other one was dead. he doesn't no a lot about electronics. man i thought i did. so i checked out everything. i found that a exciter wire to the alternator had come loose. so i rewired the connection.

a week later truck dead again. i chased an open on the same wire. seems they just wired it to the winding on the external regulator that was now bad. so i wired it to the other side which is actually a wire to the switch. i hope everyone is following this. you can't believe how horrible this is...
well a week goes by battery dead.. check everything and its getting a full charge. i pull the negative off the battery to check for a draw and holy spark.. it seems that because of the low voltage he has blown one of the amplifiers and shorted the other one. so i disconnect both amplifiers and flip the high dollar breaker which disconnect the whole stereo from the battery. i charged the battery check for voltage i get 12.98 volts. i let it set over night and in the morning it reads 12.99 volts.. lol gained voltage...

well its been a week without the stereo wired to the system and guess what dead battery i am at the point of being so frustrated that i can't hardly stand it..

please help thanks Andrew
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