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Old 11-19-2007, 08:11 PM   #2
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Re: hairs not falling out ive been pulling it out lately!

I'm no expert, but I've suffered similar problems. How much voltage do you have while the truck is running? If you have 14 to 15 volts, then I'd say your actual battery is bad. If you have the same voltage as stopped, then maybe your alternator is bad. Both have happened to me before.

The other thing is to check for a battery drain while the truck is turned off.
That's easy to check, and you probably have done this, but if not, put a voltmeter set up for Amps reading, and put it between the disconnected terminal and the battery cable. If you have any amp draw at all, then start looking for drains. My Horn relay was bad and was draining the battery slowly overnight.

That's pretty much all I know about electrical, so good luck! If this is a pure wiring problem, then there was a link on this site about how to create your own internal regulating alternator conversion that explained which wires to jump, etc. Maybe something happened to some of those wires or connections?
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