Thread: Heater question
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Old 11-20-2007, 01:58 PM   #1
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Heater question

The heater in the 60 stepside I just picked up doesn't have any of the wiring or cables. Here are pictures of the heater:
Name:  truck 082 (Small).jpg
Views: 6964
Size:  48.2 KB

Name:  truck 089 (Small).jpg
Views: 5286
Size:  57.5 KB

I assume this is the original heater but it does not look exactly like the Deluxe heater drawing in the Shop Manual. Is this the OE heater and if it is where does the heat air control cable connect to the heater? In the shop manual drawing it looks like it should connent somewhere near the blower motor but I don't see where? Under the dash I don't see where the resistor assembly should be.
It gets pretty cold here in Michigan so I need to get this thing working. any help would be appreciated.
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