Thread: Heater question
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Old 11-20-2007, 04:54 PM   #3
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Re: Heater question

I might be on glue....... but I think I have the same heater on my 62, but it is mounted inside the cab, with the coolant hoses running through the fire wall (the 2 spots where you see red and tan wires on your 1st pic). My heater controls have these paddles that attach to a long cable which controls the air flow. The other toggle switch contols the speed. I am not sure if mine was rigged up by the previous owner. I am writing because if your unit is not in the factory spot it might help you, but as you have a shop manual, it is probably my unit which is in the odd spot, which is good for me to know. Good luck, if any of this made scene, or you want to see, lemme know and I will put up a pic.

1962 Chevy Fleetside
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