Re: Engine questions
The 250 is a better engine. One problem with the 230 was piston failure. Dad had a piston replaced under warranty in his 64. I never heard if they had a bad batch of pistons or what. But he did lug the engine, which didnt' help.
On identifying your block, also check the casting date. It's located on the block, on the right side usually near the rear of the engine. It will be along with the conveyer line number. It will be in this format:
CON 2 C228
The conveyer number is meaningless for identifying the block. The dat is coded with month, date, last digit of year. C228 would be March 22 with a year of 68 or 78. Month is calendar order where A=Jan, B=Feb...
This helps if your casting # shows up with multiple applications.
There is no such thing as too much cam...just not enough engine.
Last edited by Fred T; 11-22-2007 at 05:47 PM.