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Old 11-23-2007, 02:11 AM   #5
Classic Bowties
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Re: What are these seats worth?

Originally Posted by Jtrux View Post
I'm sure you know a ton more about this than me but i'm almost positive that if those are the originals he can get more than that. I figure a good rear seat would go 200 and at maybe 400 for front seats and console so 600 for all, maybe i'm wrong.
I may have to agree with Jtrux on this one but I can not tell by the pics for sure or not. If they are original 69-72 sport buckets with all the correct mounting brackets along with a correct rear seat with armrest and brackets, a more than fair quick sale asking price of $600. would not be out of line. The later model (mid 70's type) cup holder console could be thrown in as a bonus to the buyer. As for your area, I can not speak on demand but I can say that here in the great NW and only since april-07 to current, I have sold six sets of front buckets by themselves for prices ranging from $400.-$600. pending condition, four rear seats for prices ranging from $200.-$300. and five or six center consoles (seatbelt holder type) for prices ranging from $100.-$250. pending condition. If you are including the rear seat hold down clamps there is another $100. to add into your package value. Good luck on your sale, Cb
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