Originally Posted by Rc 415
well the vacuum line is there, and it has no leaks, but I have some strange new info. It was the timing causing my problem. See, It all started when I realized that my distributer was actually very very loose, in fact the bolt was not tightened at all, but the truck seemed to have decent power and run fairly well. so, I set the timing the old fashioned way, turning the vibration dampener with a socket and wrench, I noticed that the timing indicator had a chalk mark on mark 4 advanced, so I lined up the line on the vibration damper with the 4 advanced, set the distributer cap so that the rotor was directly under plug #1, and I double checked 2 times that it was correct. Anyway, so I started it, checked it with a timing light, and sure enough the line on the vibration damper was lining up with the chalk make made on the indicator. the truck idled great, but had a bid of a hard time starting, and unfortunately my truck had no power at all, felt like i couldnt get it going down the road at all. So what I did, I placed the dist cap back to where it was when it was loose, but I tightened it down this time. Now by turning it back to where it was I retarded the timing quite a bid, so far, that I can no longer see the line on the vibration damper coming around, it is not at 0 or even at 12 on the before section on the indicator. But, the truck has its power back again, it starts way better, and idles good, albeit a little fast I think. Now, I can not figure this out at all, it has me completely stumped, anyone have any ideas? By the way my dist cap has no vacuum advance.