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Old 11-24-2007, 06:43 PM   #57
54 jimmy
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Re: 77 to 55 thanksgiving

amen to that. I don't think that anyone should tell you or anyone else how to build their truck. I am building a 54 gmc and it's going to be a rat rod/daily driver. Plus I am building on a tight budget. So free or used parts are for me. your truck is great and it will be great in your eyes and the eyes of those who know that it was built with BLOOD,SWEAT,TEARS,AND PRIDE. So to those know it alls who don't think before they talk, you can learn some valuable moral charachters from guys like tiggerstory. keep up the great work and inspiration to the young new gents like me to do with what we have and be proud of what we have accomplished. thanks again for the great build to follow.
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