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Old 11-28-2007, 10:14 AM   #23
fun in dirt
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finished... Repairing cracked fiberglass top

Finally got the hatch & top almost finished and put back on for the winter. Still have to add the handle in center of hatch & a few pieces of weatherstrip.
Ended up bedlining the outside of top with same stuff that used inside on the floors. I'm really tickled with the way it turned out. Also put lexan in place of the glass hatch window. This made it sooo much lighter & easier to work with than getting a piece of glass cut & that rubber moulding is a headache. I love the look of rollbars through fresh lexan (that's the drag racer in me). This time last month, I was ready to throw the thing in the creek and find another one. Now I'm confident in repairing anything just takes time & patience...but what doesn't
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