Originally Posted by cdowns
i think you're both at fault him for agreeing and you for trying to buy without having money to do the deal// save up and when you have enough buy or if you must buy now get a $500 truck that you can afford
That's just what I was thinking as I read your post. If he gave you the truck and signed off the title then he's at risk of you not paying for it, and if you paid for it and didn't get the truck then you're at risk of losing your money.
Not having anything in writing is a bad way to go because it is just your word against his and vice-versa.
If he offered your money back I would run over and get it. Then save the
$500 a month until you can pay in full. Consider it a lesson learned. BtW why
did you post for advice after the fact and not before. As you can see we all
seem to agree it wasn't a good idea. JMHO.