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Old 11-29-2007, 05:04 PM   #1
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Tilt steering question 72 Blazer

I was in the process of swapping my non tilt steering colum out with a used tilt steering colum and ran into a problem, My truck is a 1972 blazer 4x4 with ps and auto, the used colum was fro a 1972 chevy truck, My colum has a 2 piece shaft that comes off of the steering colum and goes to the steering box the other has about 6 inches of shaft and is supposed to bolt to the steering box, Therefore Im about 18 inches short with the new one, Has anyone installed a factory tilt steering colum into a blazer. I looked in the lmc catalogue and mine mathces exactly with the diagram they show of a factory unit. The used unit I am using was factory only diff was not ps. Thanks In advance with any help.
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