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Old 11-29-2007, 07:36 PM   #13
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Re: Bucket Seat Identification -NEED HELP-

Originally Posted by k-nuts View Post
Been waiting 2 years so far to start the resto, what's a couple more weeks!

Probably won't even start it for another year the rate I'm going. I don't even want to start if I don't have real time to work on it.

But please let me know if you can. Also check the passenger flip up bracket and see if the latching part it on the outerside of the back of the seat frame. Not in the middle like the other seats. Thanks!!
So what I can tell from your message and others is that the seats are pretty interchangeable but the brackets for mounting the 69-72 passenger flip up bracket release handle is lower & the 1973 and up are in the center/higher? Do the utilities seats have the shorter brackets & flip release lower? Are they the same for both the utility & regular buckets? There also was a set of brackets, loose in that parts gmc. Man I'm going to have a pile of seats/parts to get the correct buckets. I might as well clean them out of blazer buckets, the utility set, 1 back seat & a passenger correct bucket is there.
I just wanted to throw this in. When I was a kid our blazer had the utility seats, one day I flipped the seat up & broke the windshield. I remember the metal plate did it. How much is a set of the seats worth? I think I'm doing OK but would just like to check.
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