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Old 12-02-2007, 04:25 PM   #9
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Re: Been over before but i need refresher. 5/7

Well the way my brain figures it is this...when i cut the coil the control arms moved up as they would in a "bump" situation on stock height suspension and compressed the stock shock by about 1/3 or so. Well the resistance in the shock increases as it compresses so by riding around already using up the initial 1/3 of the shock when I hit a bump im only going to get the bottom 2/3 of the resistance which is firmer than the initial 1/3 which should make for a rougher ride and in my case it does. Confused yet? I am. I mean if you were bungee jumping off a bridge and they lowered it you wouldnt use the same cord would you?

Please correct me if my warped logic is flawed. Im me out before I waste $150 on shocks.
1986 C10 - LWB, 305/700r4, posi, vortec heads
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