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Old 12-02-2007, 06:01 PM   #18
old Rusty C10
Robert Olson Transport
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Re: high back buckets

Originally Posted by cjracing15 View Post
The reason for the buckets in the ambulances is that they had a BIG console for the radios, sirein box, lights, etc. that went between the seats.

And by the way my 83 is listed as a camper special on the rpo list so it is a long wheel base truck with a ambulance bed on it. I am going to take the bed off and put a dooley bed back on it..
exactly they did come from the factory that way tho its the same seats as pictured above.. there was no door into the ambulance part they had a slider window with a rubber sleeve into the body so the front and back could talk
the pickup cab on that was the same as the regular pickup..this i know cause weve swapped one of them onto a regular frame therefore they used the factory seat from the blazer or burb with the pickup seat tracks that were new for the truck in the 81-91 years or however long they used that style cab for the ambulance

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