Originally Posted by Yankeelights
Northwestern PA winters are cold and I need more heat. Aside from possibly having critters taking up residence in the heater core box and restricting air flow with a nest, I'm wondering if my hose configuration is keeping the heat from the cab.
Right now, one hose goes from the intake to the heater core; the other hose is connected to the right side of the radiator.
Would I get more heat by moving the hose from the radiator to the water pump port?
~ Dave
No, the principal is to route heated water from the head to the heater core and then return it to a LOW pressure area for a proper flow through your heater. To improveon this, havce you thought about putting in a new heater core. You may have some restriciton inside it and your could be only using a small part of the core to transfer heat to the cab. How big is your radiator? If it is a heavy duty radiator, then it is probably keeping your engine cooler than what youwant in your area during the winter. What temperature is your T/stat? You can run a hotter T/stat to keep the motor warmer, than what you are now, but be careful ---there is a fine line here, when it gets worm again. An engine flush may be needed to get all of the heat transfer you can get to the coolant. Sludge will hamper the heating of the water and also keep the engine running hotter than it needs to.