Originally Posted by Captainfab
I've not used those exact headers' but they look similar to those I have used. What you'll probably have to do is move the arm on the bellcrank that the rod from the pedal attaches to. It will need to be moved closer to the engine. Then of course the rod will have to be modified or a new one made to reach the arm in its new position. I can take a pic and post if that will help.
I appreciate the help but after 6 hours of pure hell I have the headers in.I took the bellcrank off and had a guy I know that welds,cut off the lower arm and weld it closer to the end of the bellcrank to give me clearance.Then I had to proceed to smash the living daylights out of cyl 1 primary to give me clearance for the adjuster on the rod.The passenger side was not so bad to do.Now my shifter linkages are somewhat out of whack because now it dont really want to go in to gear.I can go under the hood and fool with the linkages and it will shift.Thats not too big of a problem though because it was happening before.All in all I rate this mod a -10 on the install factor and a 9 on the noise level.It's worth all the hassle.
Thanks guys