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Old 01-09-2003, 05:46 PM   #1
messed up c-10
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: McLoud, OK
Posts: 789
Unhappy gotta feal sorry for fiberglass cars.

Today at lunch I was backing out of the parking lot and about to put it in drive when the girl on the opposite side of me started backing up without looking and hit my truck on the bumper. Since her car sat considerably lower than my truck my bumber hit above hers and hit the side of the car. She now has a huge dent on the back right side of her car and all I got was a a little chrome scraped off the bumper. The Police said since it was on private property (the school) and the way it happened that neither one of us were solely responsible and that we should only trade information and not file a report since it would raise both our insurance rates.
89 S-10 Blazer with a 4.3L
96 Ford Crown Vic P71 4.6L V8. This car rocks.
Here are some links to some good music.
Jack Johnson
Donavon Frankenreiter
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